What a Difference Ten Years Makes

Reminders are a powerful thing.

So are broken people living out the plans God has purposed for them. I recently encountered both in some unexpected places.

As I was thumbing through my “church Bible” (as opposed to my home Bible), I came across a homemade bookmark created ten years ago by a sweet soul at my home church. It was commemorating a special day of blessing for our newest babies who we were dedicating to the Lord on a special Sunday.

Each individual bookmark displayed the names of a specific baby and his or her parents. The members were to choose a bookmark to take and commit to pray for that child as he or she was raised to know the Lord.

On that day, ten years ago, I chose a child whose parents were not the typical churchgoers. You see, Allison and Joshua were unmarried, living in a rundown local motel, but had come through our church doors with their baby girl, Elizabeth.

They were seeking a better life, one not encumbered by drugs and addiction. They managed to continue attending for quite a while until one day they both dropped from the scene with no leads for us to follow up with them.

I, however, kept their bookmark in my Bible. I caught a glimpse of it just the other day, and it brought back great memories of a young mom seeking something better for her child. It struck me that I would probably never know what happened to that young, struggling family.

One day later

as I was joining others in my community in praying for and supporting those with addictions of all kinds, I noticed the hubs visiting with a young woman. I knew immediately who it was. It was Allison!

Allison looked beautiful. From a distance, I noticed how she radiated a peace that was not of this world. Further discussions revealed that Allison has been clean for seven years, had remarried a Godly man, and has two other children along with Elizabeth.

Allison remembered us as fondly as we remembered her. The joy on her face as she described her current circumstances was priceless. I could not believe that I had just been praying for and being reminded of her sweet family just the day before.

Reminders are powerful.

A simple homemade bookmark reminds me that our Father cares for every person in every circumstance for all time. And in some crazy way, he even gives me the chance to enjoy participating in his incredible plan for redemption and deliverance.

This was a “Learn and Live” moment that will not soon be forgotten.

Where have you been reminded of something so very important?


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, remembering that as members of the same body you are called to live in harmony, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.

Colossians 3:15