There’s No Place Like (Your) Home


Have you ever been drawn to someone’s home? A place where you could not wait to arrive because you knew the people in that home would welcome you with open arms?

From a young age, I envisioned my home to be one of welcoming peace. A place where people were drawn because they felt safe. A place where they could be themselves without fear of feeling inadequate or uncomfortable. When my children were young, we had a rule about this. I told them that when someone enters our home, whether friend or stranger, our goal was for our guest to feel better after having been in our home than they did before they arrived.

I’m not so sure that that goal was reached 100% of the time, but my aim is still the same. Whoever enters through my doors should feel welcome. Here are some ways to make that happen.

  1. Be available for drop-ins. Sure, I know drop-ins are not on your schedule, but when at home, have the attitude that you can stop what you are doing for a time to visit with whoever stops by. This one can be a challenge for me because some of my favorite summer days are those in which I work in my PJs for a good part of the morning. Simple solution… buy cute PJs!


  1. Be OK with a house that is not perfectly kept. Although I prefer people to see my best, it may be the best for them to see my OK. People are not drawn to perfect people, but they are drawn to real people.


  1. Ask questions of your guests and turn on your listening ears. Maybe you are a great listener, or maybe, like me, you have to work very hard to listen intently. For natural introverts like myself, coming up with something to say is not always easy. But one thing that is easier is to ask your guest questions about themselves. It’s a natural way to springboard into a great conversation.


  1. Have a “help yourself” policy. Those who come to my home very often know where they can get a bottle of water, a coke, or a quick snack. When your guests feel at home, they become comfortable very quickly.


  1. Extend the invitation. Though our list began with being ok with drop-ins, the best way for people to feel comfortable in your home is to get them there. Plan times during the month to have a gathering, whether it is a meal, a delicious dessert, or a simple popcorn and movie night!


Homes are a blessing that should be used as an extension of ourselves to encourage people around us. Why not step out and open up those doors. You never know. Yours might just be the home that someone remembers as the most welcoming, peaceful place on earth.


What are your top tips for making people comfortable in your home?


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, remembering that as members of the same body you are called to live in harmony, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.

Colossians 3:15