But who are we kidding? We are in for three weeks of extra work, more spending, and the pressure to “put on” a great Christmas for our family. I’ll be honest. Sometimes the pressure feels like too much. If you have kids at home, don’t forget to add in all the extra kid activities, which take even more time, energy and money. Don’t get me wrong. The Christmas season is one of my favorites, but part of the reason this is the case is that I have released some of the pressures of the long to-do list and added a secret ingredient.
Do you want in on my little secret? Here it is.
Create quiet space in your daily routine.
Before you roll your eyes at me, just hear me out. You see, in the noise of December, you have to carve out a space of quiet, however large or small. It is hard work to squeeze one more thing into your 24 hour day, but the benefits are countless. However, the consequences of choosing not to make a quiet space in your daily routine are dire. I think we have all been there. Resentful, exhausted, Scrooge-like. Maybe our physical health is even affected. In fact, research has shown that creating this quiet space in your day actually boosts your physical and mental health.
So, how do you begin to make a quiet space for yourself during the busiest time of the year?
Believe that a quiet time each day is essential and make it a priority.
No need to wallow in your to-do list. Write your quiet time in at the top of the list. Don’t make excuses, saying it’s selfish or that other things are more important. They are not. Carve out the time. It will be worth it and you’ll find that in using a quiet time each day, you will actually multiply your productivity for the rest of the day.
Pick an amount of time that is doable (notice I did not say available).
Perhaps your days are packed. Where can you borrow time from another activity to put toward your quiet time? I get up a bit earlier each day. I give myself 15-30 minutes in the morning after my shower. No guilt. No thinking about the rest of my day. No phone. No list. Those things can wait.
Choose a routine that you will enjoy and benefit from.
I spend my time reading, writing, and praying. Your time may look different. Maybe you meditate or do a light workout. Or you may draw or color. The point is that you schedule something where your mind is free from its usual fast moving grind. Test your routine. If it doesn’t work for you, change it. You are in control of your quiet time. Be open to what your mind and heart need.
Keep a journal of your daily quiet time.
This can simply be writing down what you did each day or how you felt during this time. It could also be something you created in your quiet time. You may be wondering why this is so important. 2 reasons. One, it keeps you accountable for making a quiet time a habit. And two, you will be surprised at what your mind can process when you have quiet space to think and wonder. Beautiful things come from a quiet spirit.
Guard your quiet time fiercely.
Remember the objection that I addressed earlier about blocking out time for you being selfish? The truth is that creating a routine for quiet space every day allows you the mental and physical strength to give your best the rest of the day to whoever may need you. Your spouse will appreciate that you are not distracted during your conversations. You kids may notice increased energy to devote to play. Your boss may see increased productivity during the workday. But even if no one except you notices an increase in your well being, it’s still worth it. You are worth it.
Starting today, how much time will you dare to give back to yourself?
What part of your day will get reprioritized so you can make quiet space for you?
After you have given yourself permission to carve out quiet time for yourself, let me know how your Christmas season is going. I’d love to hear from you!
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, remembering that as members of the same body you are called to live in harmony, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.
Colossians 3:15