Favorite Christmas Gifts to Give and Get

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I don’t know about you, but I love the convenience of Christmas shopping online. Don’t get me wrong. I also LOVE to touch and feel the merchandise in my local stores, like Dodie’s Closet and Dear Heart Designs. (By the way, both of these ladies will ship items to you!) I love to shop local and shop small. Some of my favorite Christmas gifts given through the years have been purchased at my local shops. But I’ve also done my share of shopping on Amazon. The lure of Prime is real!


Christmas gift


As I was thinking about my past Christmas purchases, I had fun remembering all the great and useful gifts I have purchased and received. So I thought I would just give you links to a few of my favorites in case you need some last minute ideas!

For the Men in Your Life

Let’s be real. Men are the absolute hardest to buy for. Am I right? Of course, you could go with the usual shirt or hoodie for a Christmas gift, but why not grab something useful. Maybe your guy needs a Leatherman Multitool to keep nearby. All three of the guys in my life have one and use it for just about anything they come across that needs fixing. It’s one size fits all!

Another practical man gift is this super roomy toiletry bag. This is also a great gift for a college student who lives the dorm life. Remember the days of taking your toiletries down the hall to the bathroom? This bag makes it super easy to keep up with what your guy needs.

For the Ladies

My current favorite Christmas finds for my female friends and family were already mentioned. You cannot beat the prices at Dodie’s Closet! And Dear Heart’s designs are gorgeous and oh so meaningful. Be sure to check out the mission of this incredible jewelry maker.

But since I go a little crazy when I find a comfortable pair of shoes, I must let you in on a little secret that I found. Have you heard of Fit Flops? My favorite style is this one, but there is an endless supply of options in this brand. I have picky feet, and these shoes are my go-to shoes for all things comfort.

What About the Kids?

I love to give kids classic toys. I’m pretty much old-fashioned at heart. A timeless favorite is this colorful block set. There is nothing like sitting on the floor with a little one building a giant tower and, of course, knocking it down over and over! I still own the set I bought for my son’s first birthday 21 years ago! Speaking of classic, I’ve watched kids play the ancient game of Mancala for long periods of time. It’s simplicity and ever-changing strategy make it a different game every time you play.

Want to sneak in an educational toy this Christmas? Then try these Polydron Solids for a little creative building and hands-on fun while practicing geometry skills. The packaging says these are made for kids ages 4 and up. But I have seen kids as old as 12 make some incredible creations with these interlocking pieces. Guaranteed fun!

One more super fun outdoor toy! One year, I bought every kid in my family from 8 to 18 one of these. You should have seen the fun all those “kids” had at their grandmother’s house. The bow and arrow is easy and safe to use. You might want to make sure there is plenty of room if you purchase more than a couple of these. And don’t forget to purchase some backup arrows for all those that get lost!

For the Book Lover

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas at our house if there weren’t a few books under the tree. My favorite books list could be forever long, but I will limit it to just three. Fields of the Fatherless is a collection of stories of compassion shown to the “least of these” who we may come in contact with. A definite feel-good read that will leave you thinking.

One of my all-time favorite reads is by leadership guru John Maxwell. Running With the Giants teaches some timeless leadership principles using Old Testament giants as models.

A more recent read is The Magnolia Story. Everyone’s favorite couple, Chip and Joanna Gaines, outline their life story from before they met each other to their current hit television series, Fixer Upper. This is a super fun and easy read.

For Anyone and Everyone

The rest of my favorites could make anyone happy. OK, may not anyone. But who doesn’t need a great pair of wireless headphones? These headphones were an inexpensive find that produced great results for the price. For the movie buff, you might want to check out the War Room. What an incredible story about the power of prayer and forgiveness!

For those on your list who really want something practical, how about this inexpensive Shark? This is a quick cleaner-upper and is easily used by kids to keep their rooms spick and span. Or for those super cold winter nights, you might want to ask Santa for this heated blanket. I’m not sure what I would do if I had to get into a bed with cold sheets anymore. Brrr!

Every home needs at least a couple of diffusers for your favorite essential oils. My favorite oils are doTerra lemon, peppermint, lavender, and Breathe! The benefits list for using essential oils is long.


So there you have it. My favorites list for this Christmas. Hopefully, you can find a few of these hints helpful.


What are your favorite gifts to give and get this Christmas? Link up in the comments!


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, remembering that as members of the same body you are called to live in harmony, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.

Colossians 3:15