Eat It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, Do Without – Take 2

Wear It Out!

In this post, we discussed the first part of the Depression Era phrase “Eat it up, wear it out, make it do, do without.” Sounds like a blast, right? Well, it can be!

Do you have anything that you have used so long that it is absolutely worn out? Maybe a piece of clothing that has holes in it or a pair of shoes that is literally coming apart at the soles. Maybe your favorite chair has seen better days.

I’m not a proponent of wearing clothes with holes in them when you can afford better. Or of depriving your family of something they need because you can’t part with a dime. However, the mindset of getting something new just because you are tired of the old is not healthy for your budget either. There are ways of tweaking your mindset that will help you save money when needed.

My top tip for saving money in this way is to purchase things of quality. This does not mean I advocate spending more than you can afford on a purchase. I simply mean if you work from the mindset of wearing something out before replacing it, choosing the best quality you can afford will lengthen the time before purchasing again is necessary.

Some examples of items that we tend to “wear out” before replacing are:

Blankets – as long as it’s warm and comfy, right?

Shoes – OK, so I’ve been known to not replace tennis shoes until holes were visible. But sometimes they are just so comfy!

Furniture – we still miss our favorite blue recliner!

Jeans – this can get a little embarrassing, but hey, who sees you when you are working out on the farm?

Cars – yes, cars. We have been known to push this one a little far. You have to think safety here, folks!

Maybe I’m a bit weird, but I get a sense of satisfaction when I finally get rid of something that I have held onto until it is completely worn out. It’s like I have proven to the world (or maybe just myself) that, at least in that instance, I have not been sucked into culture that screams that I must have the latest and greatest stuff.

What about you? What do you hold onto until you absolutely have to replace it?

Stay tuned for part three in our frugality series.


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, remembering that as members of the same body you are called to live in harmony, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.

Colossians 3:15