Let’s take a look at some practical ways to follow these steps, breaking it down one phrase at a time.
Eat It Up!
Let me guess. The first thing that comes to your mind when I say “Eat it up” is leftovers. Yuck! To be honest, I’m not a fan either. (Thankfully, the hubs loves them!) But I have found that when I am preparing a menu, I can choose items for the menu that get better when reheated. Some of the family favorites on our leftover list are:
- Spaghetti with meat sauce
- Pot roast
- Soups or stews
- Casseroles of all kinds
In fact, the hubs has been known to ask me to make extra when we are feeding more people than just us so there would be leftovers!
If you don’t like the “reheat what we had last night” version of leftovers, how about cooking extra portions of your main dish (the meat, for example) and using it in different ways a few days a week. For example, cook up extra portions of chicken, and then use it to add to a salad, soup or casserole later in the week. Leftovers, yes, but presented in a new way!
Tip: keep the fact that you are using leftovers a secret. No one has to know your little time-saving shortcut!
Oh and one more way to “eat it up” is really my favorite. When eating at a restaurant, I almost always try to eat only part of the meal that is served. Let’s face it, portions at restaurants are HUGE, and so are the price tags. So why not stretch your dollars and save a few inches on your waistline at the same time by eating some and taking some home for later.
What is your favorite way to enjoy the food that you have? Please share!
Stay tuned for the next post on how to “Wear it out” to stretch your dollars to a better way of life!
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, remembering that as members of the same body you are called to live in harmony, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.
Colossians 3:15