Downsizing to a Bigger House

The big moving day is just seven days away and I am planning all the perfect places for my belongings to land in our new home.

movingThe hubs and I are making a move to the country to fulfill a dream he has had for over a decade. We both agreed that when we found the right land that suited his needs for raising cattle, we would be perfectly happy if the house on it was small. We will soon be empty nesters, so it just made sense to downsize the house in order to purchase land.

Sometimes our best-laid plans don’t turn out like we imagined. Even though we have always believed the words of the old country song “Love Grows Best in Little Houses”, we are finding ourselves blessed with a much bigger place. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I am not sad about this! I am anticipating an office space, a space that I will call the quiet room, and a laundry room, none of which I have had before.

However, the larger house brings some unforeseen challenges. Because I spent many long-hour days getting my current house ready to go on the market, purging it of all the clutter that living in a house for twelve years and raising two kids there will collect, I am determined to not fill up every nook and cranny in the new house with more “stuff” just because there is more space.

Here’s the plan. We will fill the farm home with a plethora of people and the things that make those people feel at home on the farm. Part of the dream at Harmony Farms is to cultivate peace, unity, and gratitude within our fences. Perhaps bringing people together in this new place will fulfill my desire to keep excess out. Maybe we should write a new song entitled, “Love Grows Best In Full Houses.”


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, remembering that as members of the same body you are called to live in harmony, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.

Colossians 3:15