During this season, thankfulness is on the minds of most people. No matter where we find ourselves in life — leading a corporation, a classroom or a couple of toddlers — we have influence over the culture of our surroundings.
So why not use that influence to create a culture of thankfulness? It may be easier than you think. In fact, your influence may just be the spark that will turn the tide on the negative forces that drag your people down.
So what’s the first step? What can we do to make the difference for our tribe?
Feeling thankful? Say so!
It’s not unusual to hear the question, “What are you thankful for?” Most of the time, we have a quick answer. My family, my job, chocolate ice cream. 🙂 But how about after thanking God for those incredible blessings, we take it a step further. How about we go to others that have a part in that blessing and let them know how thankful we are? What would it look like if we went to our spouse just to tell them we are grateful that they are a part of our life? How about if we sent a note to our boss thanking her for giving us the opportunity to work and provide for our family? What if we told each of our kids one specific reason we are thankful that they were born? Can you imagine the impact?
Be WOWed by the little things.
It’s not uncommon to write down the “biggies” when it comes to being thankful. Family. Home. Friends. Job, etc. But what about noticing the abundance of “small” blessings that flood our lives daily? For me, that list would include beautiful sunrises, comfortable shoes, an unsolicited smile, above and beyond customer service, access to clean water. What do we take for granted? We can’t assume that what we have will always be. It’s time to put those things at the top of the thankful list.
Give thanks in all circumstances.
Have you ever wondered what God’s will is for you? This question puzzles so many Christians, but this question can be answered — at least in part– in a simple letter written by Paul that we can read in the Bible. I Thessalonians 5:18 reads,
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
When creating a culture of thankfulness, it has to be stated that being thankful can’t just happen when all is going my way; when life is good. It has to happen when life is hard, knowing God is good! The most thankful people do not have perfect lives free of hard stuff. They simply have perspective. They view thankfulness not from the lens of prosperity, but from the genuine belief that all circumstances, good and bad, can push us toward where we need to be. These tough times may put us in contact with people we need to know. So start looking at challenges as opportunities to grow and broaden your influence. Then, when it gets even harder, stop and give thanks.
So are we up for the challenge? Do we have the power to shift our surroundings into a culture of thankfulness? I’m pretty sure it can be done with these three easy actions.
Which will you try first?
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, remembering that as members of the same body you are called to live in harmony, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.
Colossians 3:15 Â Â