The Grass Is Green Enough

green grassThere is an old saying that goes like this. “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” We have probably all seen an animal of some kind work very hard to grab onto that scrumptious blade of grass just outside of quick and easy reach.

But when we fall prey to greener grass thinking, it creates a huge hole of discontent within our souls.

It is terribly easy to fall into the trap of comparison, whether it is in physical beauty, life accomplishments, or owning the newest and the best of all the stuff in our lives.

There is another realm where greener grass beckons, and that is to the place of doing more and being more than you are today. As a recovering perfectionist, this is where I fall victim to the lure of the lies from our enemy. You see, a perfectionist does not necessarily compare her green grass to the neighbor’s greener grass. She compares her current accomplishments to her own perceptions of what she should accomplish in the future if she only did such-in-such or had so-in-so.

Sounds pretty benign, don’t you think? You might say that looking to the future is just a way to set goals or get better at something. That’s absolutely true until this “greener grass thinking” becomes a cancer of epic proportions that does not allow us to sit in the green grass of contentment.

Too many times, we forget to bask in the glorious feeling of accomplishment long enough. We give a quick nod to ourselves, then rush to the next task with little acknowledgment of God’s blessing on our current feat.

It’s time to sit in your own green grass for a bit. Go ahead, take off your shoes and feel the cool grass between your toes. Relish the sights and sounds that surround your spot on the lawn. Give thanks for all that brought you to this place of accomplishment or blessing. It’s time to say to yourself, “I think I’ll stay here a little longer. The grass is green enough.”


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, remembering that as members of the same body you are called to live in harmony, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.

Colossians 3:15